Every year, our programs give nearly 400 women, children, and families the tools they need to begin their journey toward a life of self-sufficiency.


Dear Friends,
What do you value? And how do your values become your destiny?

At York Street Project we believe in these core values: collaboration, compassionate care, respect for human dignity, justice through equitable access to resources, and responding to the signs of the times. These values represent the critical foundation in our work, help us prioritize our actions and choices, and guide our decision making as we plan for the future.

Will you help continue to break the cycle of poverty for the families we serve by giving a gift today? We see a better destiny, steeped in these values and supported by members of our community like you.

●  We collaborate with our community partners and the families we serve to seek wisdom and innovation, knowing that we can accomplish more together than we can ever accomplish alone.
●  We provide compassionate care to everyone who walks through our doors – the families we serve, you, our donors, volunteers, and members of our community. We embrace individual needs and build a peaceful place for all to thrive.
●  We respect the dignity of all individuals. We recognize the inherent value and worth of every person, acknowledging the shared humanity that unites us as we work to build trust and equality.
●  We seek justice through equitable access to resources as we strive to create a more inclusive society. We are building a community where everyone has a fair chance to thrive and succeed, regardless of background or circumstances.
●  We respond to the signs of the times by evaluating our work to ensure that we are meeting current critical needs facing those we serve. We are constantly listening to our residents and evolving our approach accordingly to produce the best possible outcomes for our community.

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Our community has faced extraordinary challenges in the past year. The skyrocketing costs for all basic living essentials, especially housing, have created an even greater demand for the services provided by York Street Project.

●  Rents in Jersey City have increased by 23%*
●  Homelessness has increased in NJ by 17%, with Hudson County in the top 3*
●  Evictions post-COVID once again are moving through the courts** 
*NY Times Article: August 3, 2023

“Rent Increases Are Softening, but Not Everywhere”
**NJ Monitor Article: August 15, 2023 “Homelessness climbing, with eviction moratorium over and rents up”

However, there have also been some huge wins. Thanks to friends like you, we have been able to meet the increasing needs of the women, children, and families we serve by adding mental health professionals, life coaches, and even an additional case manager.

“As a Life Coach working with teen moms in our Pathways program, I’ve had the privilege of showing them how capable they are, impacting the destiny of both the mother and her child.”
– Christhalle Vargas, Life Coach, Pathways Maternity Group Home

We also successfully piloted our first cohort of the Strengthening Families Program. This evidence-based family skills training program teaches both adults and their children the skills they need to foster a healthy and caring home. One of the parents who participated reported:

“My parenting skills have improved. I communicate better with my children, and they communicate better with me. I’m more prepared to manage the stress of everyday life.”

Our commitment to breaking the cycle of poverty remains steadfast. And our goals for when families leave us are clear: once housed, they stay housed, their children thrive in school, and their life at home is happy.

Your financial support and partnership have made it possible to make a lasting impact on the lives of women, children, and families in our community.

As I look to the future, I’m inspired by the possibilities and opportunities to impact the destiny of multiple generations who look to us for help. I want the parents and the children we serve to know that we value them and their dreams.

I invite you to join us in our mission to create a brighter future for the women, children, and families of York Street Project. Your gift will directly impact the lives of those we serve, helping to shape the destiny of multiple generations.

To make your gift, please donate here.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being a valued member of the York Street Project family. Your generosity is a testament to the power of compassion and community, and that together we can continue to transform lives and create lasting change.

With heartfelt gratitude and warm regards,

Susanne Byrne
Executive Director

P.S. We are so proud of the great success we’ve had in 2023. Please check out the Impact Report attached and join me in saluting the great work that is happening at York Street Project.

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